Tuesday, August 11, 2009

it's really no joke going for classes NOT KNOWING A SINGLE PERSON AT ALL. well, it's actually all my own fault for not going for any camps and not actively finding out who else would be taking the same modules. i mean, knowing how 路痴 i am, i was EXTREMELY DISTURBED when i stepped off the bus at 07.55AM when my lecture starts at 8.00AM. it took me almost 7mins to find the correct lecture theatre (all the while trying to convince myself that i did alight at the correct bus stop -- WHICH I DID so stop sniggering S:).

but apparently punctuality is not much of a virtue here, because no one (the lecturer included) gives a damn about those that came in late. and there are people that come STROLLING IN A GOOD 25MINS LATE BY THE FRONT DOOR. omgdness, i think i would've died of embarrassment or skipped the lecture altogether or something.

and after the terrifying 2 hour lecture (the lecturer's really nice and the content is very interesting too -- i just dont think i can cope as well as other modules cause it IS a level 2000 module plus its something im totally unfamiliar with), i was completely on my own again. i tried to look for the library, and eventually found it (after heading in the completely wrong direction and ending up at some other faculty's grounds) but realised that you need the matri card to get in. i didnt lose it, i just forgot to bring it. so no aircon, i had to settle for the benches by the lockers.

and then it was time for the second lecture of the day. GE1101, proved to be more popular than i had expected. i thought only like 80 plus people would turn up. but surprisingly, we filled the entire LT11. and apparently there ARE people there that i know. just that i didnt know they would take this module.

and now im home again, realizing how much readings i have even thought classes has barely started. okay, GAMBATE KUDASAI!!! i just need to try my best for the JDP. but from what i heard from the tea session last fri, only 3 geog majors were sent the last time round and one of them has a perfect CAP score of 5.0. im so sure, that is totally possible for ME. i am so dead.


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